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Lazy Day - a Self-Portrait

Location: Playboy Mansion (joke)
Date taken: August 21, 2013

Settings: 1/6, f/3.8, ISO 400, 20 mm
Last Wednesday of August 21, 2013, I got bored and got nothing to do. Few days before that, I purchased some e-books about photography at the app store so I had that itchy feeling to take some snapshots. Well, I have taken photos of our cats inside the house and sort of a boring subject already. Hehe! I need a human to pose for me but to no avail.

I saw my liquid eyeliner I purchased few months ago and decided to apply it for some practice. I found some tutorial for some techniques but I'm no make-up artist. I even uploaded a selfie on Instagram for the result of my make-up. That's when I decided to create a self-portrait.

The photo shoot took place at the Playboy Mansion. Haha just kidding! My free tripod with low quality broke down so I just used the table. I used the sofa covered with white cloth for me to pose.

Settings: 1/8, f/4, ISO 400, 24 mm

Settings: 1/6, f/4, ISO 400, 22 mm
For photo enhancement, I was using Adobe Lightroom 4. Instead of black and white, I chose sepia tone. I scrolled for a positive exposure of my choice to get that soft feeling.

You can see the before and after of the image below:

Click image for large view
Take a look on my portfolio and check my other photos on Flickr.


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