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Shooting Fireworks - My First Time

Location: City of Naga, Cebu
Date taken: October 5, 2013

Today, City of Naga in Cebu celebrated its 6th Charter Day as the current mayor of the city is also celebrating his birthday. A while ago, there was a 5-minute fireworks display (actually I didn't know it was only 5 minutes until it ended). I had no idea how to shoot fireworks so I decided to search through Google what are the settings to be used for the said shot.

Settings: 2 secƒ/11ISO 10050 mm
I tried using the 50 mm prime lens and very anxious about it since I had no freedom to use a wide angle lens. So it was challenging for me and my tripod is not sturdy enough. As I was fixing my camera, there went the explosion. I was not really that ready at all. Forgive me for being a noob.

Settings: 2 secƒ/11ISO 10050 mm
I tried using the aperture f/2.8 but it was overexposed so I was using f/11 all the time. As what I've said earlier, I never thought that the fireworks display was just too short. I would love to play a smaller f-stop at least f/5.6 but I did not get the chance.
Settings: 2 secƒ/11ISO 10050 mm
All in all, I only got 23 shots and all of them are not that impressive but still I'm happy that I have experienced to shoot some fireworks. May be, if only the fireworks lasted for 20 to 30 minutes, I would have the chance to improve some of my shots.

Settings: 2 secƒ/11ISO 10050 mm
Some of the pictures here were cropped from the original size to frame the fireworks.
Settings: 2 secƒ/11ISO 10050 mm
Settings: 2 secƒ/11ISO 10050 mm
I'm using Adobe Lightroom for some retouching. I got the process from this site but this is the process I use:

  • +17% for the Contrast
  • - 100% for Blacks
  • +5% for Saturation

Settings: 2 secƒ/11ISO 10050 mm
Settings: 2 secƒ/11ISO 10050 mm
Settings: 2 secƒ/11ISO 10050 mm

Settings: 2 secƒ/11ISO 10050 mm
Take a look on my portfolio and check out the rest of my photos on my Flickr account.

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